Where Champions are Made

competition plan

Sculpting Winners, Detail by Detail

Ready to step up your game and claim the center spot? Whether you're just starting out or you're a seasoned athlete, our Competition Plan is designed for those who are all about winning. Here at USA Physique, we're driven by your bodybuilding goals. Led by Chet and Natalie Nichols, IFBB Pros and Judges, we're not just coaches; we're your pathway to success.

Our approach is unique - a perfect blend of scientifically-backed techniques, time-honored bodybuilding traditions, and an individual-centric touch. Driven by our experienced team of coaches, and the insights of our highly experienced and educated advisory board, coaches have delivered an awesome Track Record: 97% of our athletes have notched top-five finishes, bagged division wins, overall titles, and earned Pro Cards. But it's not just about the trophies and an impressive record; it's about you, the athlete.

The reason is simple. At USA Physique, we believe knowledge is power. We take pride in a coaching approach that goes against the grain of the usual 'trust the process' mantra. Instead of vague assurances, we're here to answer your questions, clear your doubts, and guide you through each step of your journey. We believe that understanding the 'why' and 'how' behind your actions are crucial – it's not just about following a set of instructions, but about becoming an informed participant in your own plan and success.

We’re more than just coaches; we're your partners in this journey. Let's transform your bodybuilding dreams into reality. Join us and be more than just a competitor; become a well-informed, winning athlete.

Sign up now

Included in the competition Team Plan

  • Full-access to USA Physique app
  • Customized macro or meal plan
  • Customized work out plan based on your strengths and weaknesses
  • Exercise library with over 100 video references
  • Unlimited messaging with your coach Monday – Friday, all week in prep
  • 24-hour response time to questions Monday - Friday, all week in prep
  • Weekly check-ins with your coach, multiple times per week in prep
  • Daily check-ins during Peak Week, multiple times a day if needed
  • All day communication on competition day
  • Monthly coaching by our team's Posing Advisor*
  • Designed for serious athletes aiming for competition
  • Structured to push physical limits and achieve top-tier competition results
  • * One posing session per month included with our Posing Advisor, 2 x Olympian & Judge, Karin Hobbs. Ask for details.